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Log on form on my wp site, but the info will be sent to another wp db WordPress

I'd like to create a simple form in a widget on my site, but when people sign up/log in the info is actually stored on a different wp site's db.

Answers (4)


Just Me answers:

Other wp database as in:
same domain but other wp installation
wp installation on totally different domain.

Joe Jenkins comments:

I would have the installations on a sub-domain and separate domain.

A little more information:

I'm using, so I just want to have people sign up to the main site without them having to go to the actual site.


sreejith cm answers:

If you want to update info. on same server then you can add the sql query.

If it's on another server then add the query in the other site and use cURL to send requests to the other server.

Joe Jenkins comments:

I would have the installations on a sub-domain and separate domain.

A little more information:

I'm using, so I just want to have people sign up to the main site without them having to go to the actual site.


Hardeep Singh answers:


The only thing you should be looking for will be the synchronization settings of the plug-in.
Let Wordpress register users as it does normally and this plugin will do the rest.

Reiterating : Master / Sub site synchronization settings should be done properly.
I hope you have this link for installation instructions.

Let me know, if you need more information.


Joe Jenkins comments:

Hi Hardeep,

The way the plugin is set up is to have a master where all the sub sites call the information. I'm trying to figure out how to get registration to the master site from any of the sub sites.

This is what I wrote on the mpmudev site, it explains it a little better:

What I see users having a problem with, is going to our main site to sign up and then returning to the site they were originally on.

I think that having a widget would solve the problem, as this could easily be placed on each of the sub sites. This way, all the info could be added to the master site, without the need to go anywhere else.

Hardeep Singh comments:


Then you would have to create this widget that submits data master site.

Sync plugin should be able to help you in uploading the information to master site. The whole process is in background so that should work fine.



Christianto answers:

Hi Joe Jenkins,

Since your are using multisite user sync plugin its not necessary to sent user information to main site db, the question, if the plugin can sync user db on master site to other child site, can the plugin snyc chlid site user db to master site user db?

I know the 'synchronize' word means that we can do it vice versa, but just in case the plugin didn't do that.

If this can be done you only need user registration plugin like [[LINK href=""]]this one[[/LINK]] or you find another plugin that has widget on it and has multisite support.
Activated the plugin globally, once user sent registration info to child site db, sync it with your synchronize plugin.

hope this help

Joe Jenkins comments:

Hi Christianto,

The plugin will only work one way, you can call the information from the master site to any of the other sites, but you can't send that information to the master site, so the only way is to be on the master site to register. The problem I ahve with that, is the way that people will probably not return to the original site once registered.

I'll check out that other plugin you've shown in the morning.


Christianto comments:

So the plugin should not use 'synchronize' word... ;-)
And the plugin that I suggest won't work either... :-(

And other problem that you might want to think, in order to make widget appear on all site that means we have to code it on each theme that will be activated by chlid theme. Since it will be hard to assign a widget to widget area on each chlid theme manually.

Joe Jenkins comments:

This is starting to look more complicated than I thought. I think I'll have to wait until I can post this again, with a higher prize.