my site can be found at www.thebuxtedinn.co.uk. The sites homepage loads fine.
However clicking on any of the menus just leads to a blank page.
I also cannot access /wp-admin so i cannot see what has gone on.
It is a custom template and I am worried installing the latest version of WP has killed the site or a recent plugin has stopped the site from working.
If anyone can fix this the prize is yours. FTP details and credentials can be supplied on request.
Sabby Sam answers:
This has happen due to some plugin. Please pm details, I can resolve it.
Thank you
Francisco Javier Carazo Gil answers:
Put WP_DEBUG to true please.
Francisco Javier Carazo Gil comments:
Francisco Javier Carazo Gil comments:
Send FTP and wp-login details and it can be solve in minutes.
Bob answers:
which latest plugin have you installed?
did you upgraded wordpress?
It will be good if you can provide ftp and admin access to examine the problem.
Thomas Varghese answers:
If you can access ftp then you can probably make the debug true in wp-config and check what the error is . If you dont understand what i am saying you send me the admin and ftp details and i will solve it.
Just Me answers:
Use FTP to access your site on the webserver or login to the admin panel of your webhst (cpanel, directadmin and so on).
If you know you installed a plugin recently, then go to the folder of that plugin in
/wp-content/plugins/ and rename or delete the folder of that plugin.
If you added some code snippet to your functions.php, check the file for empty lines at the top or bottom.