Talk about frustrating as hell...
I'm trying to set up a basic intranet system using these 2 plugins...
Peter's Login Redirect Plugin [[LINK href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/peters-login-redirect/"]][[/LINK]]
Members Access Plugin [[LINK href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/member-access/"]][[/LINK]]
The idea is, I will have a page called 'Intranet' and all the pages that I want to be for members only will use the page 'Intranet' as their parent page. In conjunction using the 'members access plugin' within the post/page editor to make the specific pages for members only. And then using 'peters login redirect' plugin to push the 'intranet' page URL to the wp login screen and back to the 'intranet' page once the member has logged in. Simple, you would think.
But none of the plugins seem to work, they just are not redirecting and ignoring all settings in the admin area.
Especially the 'members access' plugin, the dialog box appears in the page/post editor, and you can select the the options (see screen shot when input selected [[LINK href="http://goo.gl/k4pvm"]][[/LINK]]) and when you hit update page in the page editor, the input selection goes back to unselected (see screen shot [[LINK href="http://goo.gl/PfyA9"]][[/LINK]]) grrr!!
At first I thought it was because of the latest wordpress 3.2.1, so I downgraded back to wordpress 3.1.2. It still did not redirect on either plugins so I deactivated all plugins apart from them 2, and still not working!!!
So I'm guessing it's redirection issues, maybe server related, I'm just not sure - I've tried various permissions, my .htaccess is completely writable 777
It's a development site so please send me a message if you think you can solve it with an admin access.
Thanks in advance, see more screenshots below.
Members Access Settings screenshot: http://goo.gl/tJO1y
Peter's Login Redirect Settings screenshot: http://goo.gl/FDbi0
Plugins: http://goo.gl/HzFmV
Gabriel Reguly answers:
Hi Josh,
Please first try this plugin: [[LINK href="http:://gabriel.ppgr.com.br/wp-content/plugins/register-plus-redux-auto-login-3.8.zip"]]http:://gabriel.ppgr.com.br/wp-content/plugins/register-plus-redux-auto-login-3.8.zip[[/LINK]]
Beware that it needs an additional configuration step to multisite installs.
Gabriel Reguly
-- Edit: added link to [[LINK href="http://wpquestions.com/question/showLoggedIn/id/2861"]]http://wpquestions.com/question/showLoggedIn/id/2861[[/LINK]]
Josh Cranwell comments:
Hi Gabriel,
Download link does not work. Though will this fix my redirection issues with my current plugins?
The plugins that I'm using work fine on other wordpress installs, so I do not understand why it does not work on this install?
Sorry, this the screenshots did not work in my question... See below
<blockquote>Especially the 'members access' plugin, the dialog box appears in the page/post editor, and you can select the the options (see [[LINK href="http://goo.gl/k4pvm"]]screen shot[[/LINK]] when input selected ) and when you hit update page in the page editor, the input selection goes back to unselected (see [[LINK href="http://goo.gl/PfyA9"]]screen shot[[/LINK]]) grrr!!</blockquote>
Gabriel Reguly comments:
Oh dear, a broken link!
Please try this
With this plugin the redirection will work, it has been tested in both multisite and single installs of WordPress.
However it will not fix any issues with Peter's redirect login, it should replace Peter's plugin.
Gabriel Reguly comments:
Hi Josh,
Just saw your screenshots, I am confident register-plus-redux-auto-login-3.8 will solve your issues.
Gabriel Reguly comments:
Hi Josh,
Any progress?
Josh Cranwell comments:
Hi Gabriel
Sorry different time zone.
Yeah but I need members access to work more importantly, and it works on another install on another server - just not working on this server? Makes no sense.
Gabriel Reguly comments:
Hi Josh,
Ok, keep members access plugin, I did not suggested otherwise.
Why not give a try to [[LINK href="http://gabriel.ppgr.com.br/wp-content/plugins/register-plus-redux-auto-login-3.8.zip"]]http://gabriel.ppgr.com.br/wp-content/plugins/register-plus-redux-auto-login-3.8.zip[[/LINK]]?
Do you know that it can add a default role to users when registering?
Josh Cranwell comments:
Yeh that's fine, but the main point is that the Members Access plugin is not working.
I'm not fussed about the members registering at this point, but I can use the standard wordpress register system.
The issue is...
When and only when the 'members access' plugin is installed, (all other plugins are deactivated) see [[LINK href="http://motocomdigital.co.uk/development/wpquestions/membersaccess-settings.png"]]members access plugin settings[[/LINK]]. Now see [[LINK href="http://motocomdigital.co.uk/development/wpquestions/membersaccess-page-editor-selected.png"]]the plugin dialog in the post/page editor[[/LINK]] - this is setting I've chosen, but when I click update the page, my selected input item unselects itself, [[LINK href="http://motocomdigital.co.uk/development/wpquestions/membersaccess-page-editor-updated.png"]]see screenshot[[/LINK]].
That's the main issue here thanks
Gabriel Reguly comments:
Hi Josh,
Sorry, seems I have misunderstood you issue.
Good luck,
ej_emman answers:
Hello Josh,
Ya, you are right Josh you don't need to replace that plugin if that works in another wordpress site.
I'm thinking that it has conflicts, try disabling the other plugin. And if that works, well try to make another workaround in the other that made a conflict.
Josh Cranwell comments:
Hi Ej
I've tried removing all plugins, downgrading wordpress, and soo bizarre.
But both of these plugins seem to be of the nature of redirecting - but both seem to have trouble executing a redirect.
Just Me answers:
can you share your .htaccess file with us? Might be something going on there.
Josh Cranwell comments:
Hi the .htaccess is fully writable '777'
but this is what's currently inside it
# BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /development/
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /development/index.php [L]
# END WordPress
Front end location: http://www.motocomdigital.co.uk/development/